PH Study
Mission Statement
To provide a Christian based quality health care service. We endeavor to provide compassionate care for those who are suffering from illness. And to help the patients find psychological, mental and spirituality and peace.
PH Study
High Resolution Oesophageal Manometry
Pre - and post-reflux surgery​
Oeosphageal symptoms not diagnosed by gastroscopy or barium swallow
Suspected Achalasia, dysphagia and impaired oesophageal motiltiy
NCCP (Non cardiac chest pain)
PH and Impedance Study
Confirmation of GERD:​
Severity of reflux
Correlation between reflux and symptoms
Presence of non acid reflux
NERD(Non erosive reflux disease)
Extra - oesophageal symptoms
Refractory heartburn
PH Study
Anorectal Manometry
Chronic Constipation
Facial incontinence of evacuation disorder
Hirschsprung's disease
Evaluation of functional anorectal pain
Assess patients before and after surgery e.g. hemorrhoidectomy
Assess ano-rectal function and co-ordination, defaecation manoeuvers and the recto-anal inhibitory reflex.
Hydrogen Breath Test
Symptoms of GI disorders: IBS and coeliac disease​
Carbohydrate malabsorption:
lactose, d-xylose, fructose, sorbitol,sucrose
Abdominal pain Flatulence Constipation
Measures oro-caecal transit time